Father’s Day is coming. We have the
opportunity to do something good for God. Jesus called him FATHER. Most modern theologians say God is neuter, genderless, not masculine.
I will reply to this shortly. Our news and entertainment media, and our culture, laugh at, trivialize, and ridicule, men and fathers. This
dishonors God the Father! God wants us to be men, not wimps. We should speak up and speak out!
Some years ago I realized,
as a Dad, I could use holidays to be God’s man in my family. On Thanksgiving, I got President Lincoln’s Thanksgiving Day Proclamation off the Internet. I read it at dinner -- many excellent thoughts and thanksgivings toward God. A
great example for my kids, too. Jesus said to pray, Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name... Jesus
taught that God is HE! The Apostle’s
Creed, a very early, concise statement, agrees, “I believe in God the Father Almighty Maker of Heaven and Earth….”
So, we have the very, very strongest historical testimony that God is actually a MALE person. See my pages The Apostle's Creed and The Lord's Prayer. I saw an article by feminist Gloria Steinem.
She said men should get a “break.” Women have kids – this signifies womanhood.
But men have nothing to signify manhood. If someone says, men do football or boxing, etc.,
then some woman, in a pro game, kicks a field goal, and other women start boxing leagues. Her point – women
have children, men have NOTHING that they, can say for sure, "this is manhood." So she says men should
get a “break.”

But, God definitely says otherwise!!! God says otherwise, for sure! He is HE and men are HE, same gender as God; women are SHE, the differential,
and complementary personage and gender TO God. Genesis 1:26 through Genesis 2 shows God created the MAN ONLY IN HIS IMAGE. So do other passages. God created the woman to be a HELPMEET FOR THE MAN, NOT ANOTHER IMAGE
OF GOD. Bible teachers and modern bible translations are fudging, falsifying, and confusing this
issue. See my page on Gender Roles: The Image of God and the Sin of Unisex for full details on this. God is a straight male; God is NOT gay.
Manhood is his image. Womanhood
is the COMPLIMENT TO his masculine being, NOT HIS image. This is critical in
showing that God is a straight male. Words are determined
by USAGE!! All the way down through human history the word "FATHER" means a
a woman, and they have children! So, there is NO doubt what Jesus
meant by the "Father," and likewise his associates who also used the term extensively. From cover to cover in a zillion embedded details the Bible plainly tells us God is a male -- A STRAIGHT
MALE. Throughout the Old Testament of the Bible, God the HE, is pursuing Israel, his
SHE. Throughout the New Testament, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the
HE, and he is pursuing, his "her," known as the "Church." To claim God is neuter, is to deny the integrity of the entire Bible -- it is to reject the straight forward
way in which Jesus and his associates always took the Bible. The God-the-neuter
viewpoint is NOT CHRISTIANITY. God-the-neuter DOES NOT EXIST. Years ago I was asked to come into a Sunday school class and be a “male role-model.”
I said, “Sure, glad to help.” But, as I thought about it, I realized, I had no clue what that was. So I earnestly prayed to God. God showed me he is really, really, HE,
and He’s not she, it, or, gay, – so he specially created men in his same personage and
gender, and women in the complementary personage and gender. So, being a man and father is a very great privilege, honor, and purpose. Womanhood is also, but, differentially, and complimentarily so. This shows that God
is hetero, a very important attribute of God. Most modern evangelical theology teachers say God is neuter, that He’s a spirit, and thus not really, truly, he.
ARE NOT CONTRADICTORY!!! The God-the-neuter viewpoint is the REJECTION OF THE

Many say God is a spirit and
has no body and thus no gender. THIS IS FLAT WRONG ON ALL COUNTS. The Bible teaches God IS a spirit, HE DOES HAVE A BODY, AND
HE IS REALLY HE! These are NOT contradictory. On Mount Sinai, God covered Moses with his “hand.” Moses
saw God’s “back parts,” but not his “face” (see Exodus 33:20-23). In Revelation chapter 4 and 5 God is seated on a throne and has a scroll in his right hand. God, although a spirit, has a very real male body, made
of some kind of super duper spirit stuff. He
is NOT a nothing. In 1 Corinthians 15:35-58 we learn that in the resurrection, people will have spirit bodies. So, it must be true, that God, in whose image men are made, is truly a male person. The
Bible tells us God made men in his image, and also that we are body, soul, and spirit. I overheard my teenage son in a phone call to a young lady, calling himself a “male.”
I felt rather sad he could not say, “I’m a young man.” We are created and ordained men,
in the image of God. We should stand tall. Our young men must be convinced of the genuine importance, honor, and high calling of publicly, personally,
representing our great God. When manhood and fatherhood are insulted, God’s very person is insulted as
well! We men are conditioned to “take it" -- and "not let it show,”
especially if it comes from a woman. This is not good; we should preach the true person of God and his redemption
in Jesus Christ. We need to boldly stand up for God. Doctrinally, there are some big issues here, too. If God is really
neuter, that means that God has misrepresented himself from one cover of the Bible to the other. This
is unthinkable, and false. And if true, what else in the Bible could one possibly believe? For more detail see my page Gender Roles: The Image of God... Be sure to check out my "methodology" using God's
great promise in 1 John 5:14-15. There are special things one must do in using this promise. God has shown me these. I have used this promise to get God's
answer, reliably, at least a dozen times.
Woman at the Well talking to Jesus Christ - John 4 |

long time ago I prayed and asked God how to interpret the bible. I
used the same promise in 1 John 5:14-15 as mentioned above. God
has given me many great answers. But,
his FIRST answer was, "open your bible and see how Jesus interpreted the Old Testament." The answer is -- Jesus takes the bible straight -- what it says - is what
it means -- it means what it says!!!
Here is one of Jesus’
example in Mt. 22:42-46: While the Pharisees were gathered together,
Jesus asked them, Saying, What
think ye of Christ? Whose son
is he? They say unto him, The son of David. He
saith unto them, How then doth David in spirit call him Lord, saying, The LORD said unto my Lord,
Sit thou on my right hand, till I make thine enemies thy footstool? If David then call him Lord, how is he his son? And no man was able to answer him a word, neither durst any man from that
day forth ask him any more questions. The answer to the riddle is, of course, that Jesus Christ IS God in person. In 1Timothy 3:16 in the King James Bible, we read, GOD was manifest in the flesh. This means that Jesus IS GOD
in person!
But, there is a BIG discrepancy, in the rendering of this verse,
between the King James Bible and modern bibles. This is of critical importance. See my page God Was Manifest in Flesh.
Notice that in the Matthew 22 passage, Jesus required that EACH
Bible statement be held as true by itself and NOT fudged, or modified by some other statement.
He is, thus, forcing the Pharisees to
hold each of the statements as true, each by itself, and, putting both of them together,
to draw the plain, logical, conclusion, no matter how seemingly impossible that conclusion may be.
Likewise the Bible teaches, BOTH, that God is a spirit, AND, that he
is truly HE! There is NO contradiction -- they are both
true! Taking these Bible truths, both, as true, leads to some special insight, few others have. Many of us are increasingly worried as we see
our nation slipping into evil, and at increasing risk in many ways, and we fear for the future of our children and grandchildren.
We must not sit silently by as God is run down, nor as we men, who bear his image allow ourselves to be
run down. God does deal
with nations who dishonor him. The powerful, militant gay movement is winning. We must
take opportunity to insist that gender roles come from, and are required by, the very person and nature of Almighty God.
In John 14 Philip saith unto him, (Jesus) Lord, show us the Father, and it sufficeth
us. Jesus saith
unto him, Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip? he that hath seen me hath seen the Father; and how sayest
thou then, Show us the Father? New Testament
book of John 14:6-9 (ABOVE). Jesus is a male and, according to his word, so must be the heavenly Father! Jesus was circumcised the eighth day of his life in accordance with the Law of Moses!
He is a male, and God the Father is a male,
too. A supremely important job
of a human father is to lead his young children to salvation by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ at a very early age. See my pages, They Came to Jesus, and Jesus Gets a Visitor in the Night.
