A while ago I received an email from an "inter-sex" person, detailing that condition and
asking my view in light of my article, Image of God. New Testament Passage Hebrews 1 tells us Jesus Christ is the Express (Exact) Image of God. The
underlying Greek word, character, means an exact copy. Hebrews 1: 1 God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets, 2 Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed
heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds; 3
Who being the brightness of his glory, and the express image of his person, and upholding all things by the word of
his power, when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high: Since Jesus Christ is a perfect straight male, God the Father is also a perfect straight male. We are all born with defects, and God accepts us through faith in Jesus Christ. But,
any variation from perfect is still a defect. As Jesus notes in John 9, God caused this man to
be born blind, to glorify God. 1 And as Jesus passed by, he saw a man which was blind
from his birth. 2 And
his disciples asked him, saying, Master, who did sin, this man, or his parents, that he was born blind? 3 Jesus answered, Neither hath this man sinned, nor his parents: but that the works of
God should be made manifest in him. This email dialogue with Lynn has brought me
to significant empathy for his/her situation. No doubt Jesus Christ had great empathy for
the blind man he healed. Still, we must abide by our Lord's will. We cannot let some folks
unfortunate abnormalities cause us to do wrong with Jesus Christ.


Here is "Lynn's" first email. It's a good thing I did
not ask Lynn as to his/her/it's gender because this person is an "intersex" person. I admit it seems funny, but I remember I have difficulties too, so I'm keeping my funny on a tight leash. From: Lynn Date: Fri, 3 Feb 2012 To: Ken@creationoutreach.com
Hi, I read your article about the "sin of unisex" and I felt the need to email you. I just wanted to
inform you that not everyone is male or female. There is a big shade of gray there. There are intersex people. Intersex people
are not the same as transgender people. Intersex people are not apart of the LGBT community. Intersex people are people who
do not have XX or XY karotypes and/or have secondary sex characteristics that do not match their karotype. Please note that
intersex people are not hermaphrodites (people who have fully functioning male and female reproductive organs). There is no
documented case of a person ever having fully functional testical and ovarian tissue. In conditions such as androgen insensitivity
syndrome (AIS), a biological XY male will not virilize. Depending on the severity of his condition, he may develop breasts
and a vagina (but he will not have a uterus or ovaries and he will have testicles). In more severe forms, he will appear totally
female. He will have a clitoris and not a penis, his voice will not break, and he will not grow a beard. But he will still
be a genetic male. In cases of Klinefelter syndrome, a male will have at least one extra X chromosone (X is a female chromosone).
Instead of being XY, a man with Klinefelter's will be XXY, XXXY, XXXXY, and so on. This may result in micropenis and breast
development. In de la Chapelle syndrome, a biological woman will be born with a penis (not a macroclitoris but a phallus that
is suitable for intercourse with a female). These are just some of the numerous intersex conditions that affect people and
they are not uncommon at all. There are hundreds of thousands of intersex people right here in the United States of America.
Famous people with intersex conditions include American singer Eden Atwood, Australian politician Tony Briffa, and English
model/Bond girl Caroline "Tula" Cossey. Other intersex conditions include Turner syndrome, Swyer syndrome, ovo-testes,
progestin-induced virilization, congenital adrenal hyperplasia, and 5-alpha reductase deficiency. Thank you for taking the
time to read this letter. I have included several links regarding information about intersex conditions. If you have any questions
about intersex condition, please do not hesitate to email me. -Lynn www.isna.org (The Intersex Society of North America) www.aissg.org (The Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome Support Group) Lynn notes these two organizations above for more information.

Lynn did not like my first response and I did apologize. I guess I was
rather taken back by Lynn's email, but, also did not give it enough careful consideration. My
brief response was: From: Ken <ken@creationoutreach.com> To: Lynn
God is a straight male - he defines male --- his straight desire - defines woman
- I don't mean to be unkind - any thing other than that is a freak, a mistake - God is the definition -- not the way things
just happen to be best regards Ken Clark Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile Lynn let me have it in his/her response.
Perhaps rightly so. I did send an apology and a much more considered response. Lynn said, Wow. That may be the most harshest and disheartening responses I've ever gotten from the Christian
community about intersex people. Intersex people are just as much God's children as any one else is. Do you believe God would
appreciate you calling his children freaks and mistakes? Are you in a position to judge God on His decision to create intersex
people? Being intersex is not a choice.
"And the LORD said unto him, Who hath made man's mouth? or who maketh
the dumb, or deaf, or the seeing, or the blind? have not I the LORD?" - Exodus 4:11
The Lord thy God made
intersex people and in no passage does He give you the right to call them freaks. -Lynn I wrote back: Lynn,
want to apologize.
I have re-read your email much more carefully.
I did not correctly understand your
You present information I have not been familiar with.
We all have things that are less than
I will think some more.
Ken Clark Lynn responded: Thank
you, Ken. I appreciate your apology. I understand that intersex issues can be very confusing and complicated. Many people
do not know intersex people exist. Doctors still do not understand the mental, emotional, and physical aspects of intersex
people. If you have any questions about intersex topics (such as conditions, gender identity, etc), please email them to me.
I'll be happy to answer them to the best of my ability. It's just important to remember that there are cases where people
are not born being an anatomically correct XX female or XY male. -Lynn

I will put my somewhat rambling, but hopefully better response to Lynn and Lynn's response in
the next section. But, for now, being as succinct as I can, let me say the following: In two web pages, God is a Straight Male, and Image of God and the Sin of Unisex, and at my other web site, GodIsAStraightMale.com, I
show that most teachers are flat wrong in saying God has no gender. The Bible is correct, Jesus
Christ is correct every time he calls God, the "Father" - he's NOT lying one bit. God
IS a spirit with a spirit body, and his is a male body, like any normal human male, more impressive I'm sure. Adam and men subsequently are made in his IMAGE, including male sex parts. Women are
web articles are of definite concern, for popularizing evil gender confusion, and trans-gender thinking, and such
resulting evil acculturation through the entertainment media, directed toward children. For example, Introduce Your Child to "SheZow' The Transgender Super Hero.

My rambling response to Lynn was: Hi Lynn,
Thought I’d say a little, having read your email more carefully. It is very clear that there is massive, determined WARFARE BY FORCES OF EVIL AGAINST
GOD and everything he stands for. This is across the board. This, Evil, almost always operates under a
cover story, like alleging some civil rights issue. So, I want to stand with God against this onslaught.
Efforts by church groups and people to do likewise are SO feeble. It may be that
some aspects or most aspects, of what you call intersex lifestyles are ok with God.
But, the attack by Evil is so massive, sneaky, and determined, we must be extremely careful.
Let me talk a bit about the reliability of the Bible as confirmed by discoveries of the Red
Sea Crossing at Nuweiba, Egypt, on the Gulf of Aqaba.
You may already
be of this same mindset, but I need to be sure, if we are to agree. I’m big on what I call the “Jury Duty”
method to insure the Bible is reliable.
One must compare the Bible
with archaeology, science, etc. to assure oneself it is really true. A web search for “Red Sea Crossing”
will show great web sites with stunning and conclusive evidence that the Exodus and Red Sea Crossing were absolutely really
true, beyond a shadow of doubt.
We have been decoyed by the false,
traditional, Mt. Sinai in the Southern Sinai Peninsula -- And by people decoying us to look for the “crossing”
in the Gulf of Suez, west of the Sinai.
The TRUE crossing, with
massive supporting evidence is east of the Sinai, in the Gulf of Aqaba. The true crossing was at Nuweiba, and the true
Mt Sinai in Saudi Arabia, just like St. Paul said. The Wyatt sight (http://www.wyattmuseum.com/red-sea-crossing.htm ) is great.
But a web search for “Red Sea Crossing” will locate many more.
My page on the subject, excerpted from others, is at (http://www.creationoutreach.com/id68.html ).
RECORD –I say is absolutely conclusive and very strongly corroborates the reliability of the Bible.
You may already hold this view, I realize. God is sovereign – he allows the
Devil to exist, and operate to achieve God’s ultimate purposes. But, the Bible tells us God is not the author of
But, I am completely convinced, after decades of study, that
God is indeed, a straight male person. Also, that NORMALLY, manhood is to be the representation of this.
Womanhood is the differential, complimentary, personage TO God’s straight masculine
being. God allows some folks to be born blind, lame, deaf, etc. In John’s Gospel, I’m sure you know, Jesus heals the man blind from birth to God’s glory.
But, I do not agree that God wants us to view such folks as perfect and without defect. We all have some defects, which most folks would fix if they could.
There would not be beautiful women if there were not also ugly ones. But, all folks want to be beautiful.
Again, I believe it is a huge, big, gigantic, thing that we represent God. All,
so called higher animals are, deliberately, by God, male and female. Genesis 2, elaborating on chapter 1, shows that
Adam and men subsequently, ONLY, are in the Image of God, because women are the COMPLIMENT to God, thus, showing his is a
straight male.
Eve was created for the purpose of being a “helpmeet
to man,” NOT ANOTHER IMAGE OF GOD! If some folks, say intersex folks, are somewhat, shall I say, non-standard,
God loves them and, in Christ, accepts them, but we must guard against making changes to God’s image.
You are, no doubt aware, that perhaps 90% of so called, Christian, clergy say God has
no body, and no sex and men and women are both in God’s image.
This effectively, completely, falsifies God’s image and person. God the neuter is NOT Christianity.
As I say at my IMAGE page, definition and differentiation, of these roles (roles is not a good word, I mean purposes in being) is critical, if
marriage is to work correctly.
So, this is what I believe I must hold, to, as I see it now. Best Regards, Ken
Lynn response was: I can't say that I understood most of
your email. I am not debating your view of God's gender. I was simply informing you that humans are not all born male or female.
There are numerous karotypes: XO, XX, XXX, XY, XXY, XXXY, XXXXY and so on. By standards, XX is female and XY is male so where
do other karotypes stand? Can a man with a vagina and breasts be accepted as a male simply because he is XY? Can a woman with
a penis and testicles be accepted as a female simply because she is XX? -Lynn