Syrian refugees |

The following is from a previous post. EVIL IS GROWING FAST - Warn Everyone to Come to Jesus Christ! - Pray Jesus
Comes to Rapture us ASAP! The number “10,000 Syrian refugees” is being thrown around a lot by the mainstream media, but did you
know that Barack Obama has actually publicly declared that the U.S. is going to take in 100,000 refugees from Syria and elsewhere
for each of the next two years?' -- article. And, can we even believe Obama for this number, as an upper
limit? Plus, there are the "immigrants" from south of the border, too. We should do what we can to stop or slow down this dangerous foreign invasion. But, seems
to me the cards are all "stacked" against us. These evil forces have all the fire power,
political power, and economic power, etc. PLUS, the mainstream acceptance of the "gay"
thing is WAY WAY beyond God's tolerance, and willingness to stomach. New Testament passage
2 Peter 2 says: 4 For if
God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell, and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved
unto judgment; 5 And
spared not the old world, but saved Noah the eighth person, a preacher of righteousness, bringing in the flood upon the world
of the ungodly; 6 And
turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrha into ashes condemned them with an overthrow, making them an ensample unto those that
after should live ungodly; I should say also, that, we have become completely
use to the total interchangeability of men's and woman's roles. GOD IS NOT USED TO IT! Manhood and womanhood are NOT our prerogative to interchange - they are deliberate creative purposes of God. So, the U.S., and most of the West are taking on the terrorists AND GOD, at the same time. This is crazy
and will be disastrous.
Jesus in the Temple at age 12, asking questions |

A full blown Christian revival and whole hearted return to God, by most of this nation, is the ONLY
thing that could stop our impending demise. And, I just do NOT see this in the cards, for the
U.S. or for the West. So I say, we need to be about the Lord's business as best we can and to
warn everyone to embrace the Lord Jesus Christ immediately, believing on him for salvation. I
am absolutely fully convinced that before things get too bad, the Lord Jesus Christ will come to snatch his
beloved bride, that is, all true believers off the face of the earth and whisk Her/them to his father's house in heaven
for the marriage supper and consummation. This is called the pre-tribulation Rapture of the Church. It will be followed by a seven year Tribulation period during which the Church will be with Jesus Christ in
heaven, and during which Israel will be restored to God's service through the period of tribulation. So
we are to have very great hope and expectation, and should be watching for Christ's coming. Meanwhile,
we must also be busily about his work of winning souls. We should realise, too, that most of these
"refugees" have been enslaved to Islam, but at least some of them must realise Islam will NOT get them
to heaven, and could secretly be open to Christianity. And now, they are physically
in the WEST and they have a fighting chance of embracing Jesus Christ without having their heads chopped off. Some key evangelistic points we need to realise and employ: God is absolutely perfect
-- we see this in a close up look of the intricacies of nature. Continual invention of new and
high technology research tools and methods increasingly reveals this world to be ingeniously intricate and complex beyond
wildest imagination. It IS "SLAM DUNK," SPECIALLY CREATED BY GOD! -
to make us sinners judicially perfect and acceptable to God. Jesus Christ, alone, in
his true humanity, and in his perfect life and innocent, sacrificial, death, provides the atonement demanded by
God. Because Jesus Christ was, and is, God, born into human kind, - he alone, was able
to live the perfect human life, and be the perfect sacrifice, that substitutionary atonement, for us sinners, requires. God will ONLY be approached by his chosen, designated, high priest, Jesus Christ, to
make ADVOCACY for lost souls. These two things, substitutionary atonement, and advocacy,

I'm sorry to say that many preachers and bible teachers come up far short of what would be needed
for a real Christian revival. But, this is true of most lay folks too. We
would all have to rise to the occasion, big-time. Christian preachers, in their ordinations affirm
that they believe in God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. Father and son, in
truth, refer to male beings, as is the plain, and historical, meaning of the words. But,
I believe, that many preachers hood wink themselves and others, into thinking that "Father," and "Son"
are, like, just titles, somehow, not actual genders. But, this is false, they ARE genders. Something like 95%+ of seminary trained preachers and teachers believe that God is a spirit, that he has no body,
and thus no actual gender. This is a terrible, stupid, HERESY. God
the Father, and God the Son, Jesus Christ, are both spirits WITH spirit bodies, WITH
male body parts. The bible is telling the truth - they are male persons. Readers
can and should verify that this IS the situation by pinning down pastors and teachers
and very DIRECTLY, specifically, asking them. It might be best to do this in private, or at least
off to the side where others will not hear. Because, frankly, these preachers and teachers are
doing this behind the backs, and unbenownst to, of knowledgeable, sincere, bible-believing lay folks. See the introduction in my other web site, for more detail.

Speaking of the Bible, or bibles -- ALL BIBLES ARE NOT CREATED EQUAL. Regarding the forgoing discussion please understand that knowledgeable, serious, lay folks overwhelming hold
that the Bible is correct, and that God IS a male being. Whereas,
clergy, overwhelmingly sidestep the Bible's direct, plain, meaning, holding that God is neuter. I
strongly argue that the avalanche of, and acceptance of, "modern language bible" is NO ACCIDENT. See my web page, Jesus Christ Hates the Deeds of the Nicolaitanes, for further detail on the clergy and laity topic. The very very real corruption
in these modern bibles is NO ACCIDENT, and is cloaked by the phony reasoning that we need bibles that are
"readable," and "modern." I say this terrible subversion is DIRECTLY RELATED
to the "different breeds of cat," that clergy ARE, as compared to serious, knowledgeable, lay folks. Bible
readers have EVERY reason to be suspicious. The King James Bible, the venerable standard of some
400 years, and, or the Geneva Bible, from about 1560, which the Pilgrims used, are just as easy to get used to. The
word spelling of the Geneva bible have been updated in new printings. The problem is that God's
ways are strange and archaic to modern readers, NOT just the words, and this takes some getting use
to, be it modern language or not. Furthermore, modern bibles often smooth over difficult
details in passages, seemingly to make them more "readable," but wrongfully, effectively, blindsiding readers to
rich details essential to the progress of maturing bible readers in their growth in the Christian faith. Furthermore, the sad practice in many churches, every 10 years or so, of moving to the latest newly published bible,
effectively destroys precise "verbal" remembrance of the exact wordings of passages. Readers
minds are turned to mush by subsequent bibles with different phraseologies in many passages. See my
web page, Is the Bible Really the Word of God? for more detail on this topic. Also see, Why The King James Bible?. Also, Missionaries' Bibles remove Father, Son, Son of God because they are offensive to Muslims
- BAD BAD! I hope to list more Bible pages later on this web page. I want to say that
as best I can tell, most bible preachers and teachers are happy keeping us lay folks in the dark, that they, behind
our backs hold to God the neuter, and NOT to God the Father, and Son as male beings. This is fraud. We cannot place faith in "the System," -- we must search the REAL Bible, pray a lot, and seek our Lord's

It may seem strange that God would allow persons who hold clearly non-literal biblical views,
of a critically important attribute of God, namely God's gender, to be positioned as apparent church leaders. Jesus Christ calls God, "Father," about 250 times in the 4 Gospels, and in the New Testament letters, or
epistles, God is refereed to as "Father" about 100 times. The word father plainly indicates
a male person. There is an old saying -- that some folks are SO heavenly minded, they are
of NO earthly good. There is a great deal of truth in this saying. Running
a modern church with its demanding financial, managerial, and pastoral aspects, etc., is a big, big job. And frankly it is true that many, if not most, genuinely spiritually tuned-into-God folks would have great difficulty
focusing, so as to do a good job. So God, it seems, wisely ordains that less
spiritual, or even, non spiritual persons staff these important positions. It seems that
the strong constraint of Holy Scripture (the Bible), plus traditional doctrines, have kept these less, or non - spiritual
leaders more or less in some semblance of check, until recent times. But, in these last times,
these leaders are being coming non-orthodox in their views and preachings. The spread of Darwinism,
or evolution as it is commonly known, has greatly enhanced this falling away from sound doctrine. It
appears to me that 100 years ago most preachers held that God is a male, being in accord with the Bible. But today, most hold that God does not have gender - an absolutely un-orthodox doctrine. It
is very important that we lay folks stand up for what the REAL Bible says. There is so much in
print, and on the Internet that any lay person can run circles around most preachers.